Mātauranga Māori monitoring programme to integrate cultural values into restoration within the Te Waihora / Lake Ellesmere catchment.

The Living Water partnership is focused on improving biodiversity and water quality at five significant catchments across New Zealand where intensive dairying exists, the Ararira / LII River was one of these catchments. Boffa Miskell was contracted to help identify cultural values in the catchment for restoration

Boffa Miskell proposed to undertake a mātauranga Māori monitoring assessment from the top of the catchment to the bottom. Using the State of Takiwā tool, various sites along the length of the catchment were assessed. 



Worked with

Te Taumutu Rūnanga
Te Mana Ararira / Ararira Living Water Advisory Group

Project date

2019 - 2021

The Tākiwa Tool uses a digital form that combines multiple tools including the Cultural Health Index, FORMAK (Forest Monitoring and Assessment Kit), SHMAK (Stream Health Monitoring and Assessment Kit), Kaimoana Guidelines, and Wetland Indicators. The tool helps us to record site observations and assessments of mana whenua representatives.

Through mātauranga Māori monitoring a baseline of the state of the environment was established from a cultural perspective in 2019. In 2022 we returned to assess the success of the restoration efforts. Our assessments included:

  • Freshwater fish surveys and electric fishing.
  • Evaluating accessibility to harvest mahinga kai.
  • Conducting a cultural health index assessment.
  • Water quality assessments.
  • Assessing the presence of native plant species.
  • Determining actions to improve site health.
  • An overall state of the environment report.

From our mātauranga Māori monitoring assessment, the project partners were able to gain knowledge and understand not only the downstream impacts on Te Waihora / Lake Ellesmere but also the upstream and catchment effects. 

Collaboration between Te Hīhiri (Cultural Advisory) and Ecology was vital to ensure the methodology was holistic and had equal consideration for mātauranga Māori and contemporary science.
