Investigating options for a renewable energy site on the North Island

Taharoa, south of the entrance to the Kawhia Harbour, is a sparsely populated area on the West Coast of the North Island. The client proposed to build and operate a 42 turbine wind farm on this site, which is currently mined for iron sands.

Boffa Miskell was engaged to assess the ecological impact of the proposal and prepare consents including a plan change.



Project date


Our initial studies established that the development could be built in a way that avoids, mitigates and remedies adverse effects and has the benefit of being a renewable energy source. We also recommended a reduction in the number of turbines from the original proposal.

Boffa Miskell investigated and reported on ecological values and effects, undertook an Assessment of Environmental Effects and prepared and lodged consents. We also provided evidence at Joint Council Hearings and Environment Court mediation.

The proposal was not immediately implemented because the proprietors plan to continue mining on the site.