Dr. Jaz Morris


Kaimātai Hauropi | Ecologist
Kaiwhiri | Associate Principal

As a terrestrial ecologist with broad experience in ecological assessments, I provide advice on projects including large infrastructure developments, restoration, and monitoring to asset owners, developers, and stakeholders across the South Island. I specialise in assessments of indigenous vegetation including wetlands, drylands (like the Mackenzie Basin), and alpine areas, but I also have broad experience in fauna assessments (e.g., for avifauna, lizards, and freshwater fish).

Since joining Boffa Miskell, I've prepared ecological impact assessments for resource consents and other RMA processes for a range of private developments and infrastructure projects including renewable energy proposals, cycleways, and class 1 landfills. I've prepared hearing evidence as an independent expert and undertaken technical peer reviews on behalf of councils. I am experienced in guiding clients on their obligations in relation to wetlands under the NPS-Freshwater Management 2020, and management of construction impacts on fauna protected under the Wildlife Act.

Restoration ecology and pest plant management are the other two main strands of my work. I've written a number of ecological restoration plans for conservation areas, including Te Ahu Pātiki on Banks Peninsula, and prepared wetland restoration plans. I've undertaken several large-scale pest plant surveys and authored control strategies for land managers including ECan and LINZ, in the upper Waimakariri and upper Rakaia River catchments respectively.


Doctor of Philosophy, University of Otago, NZ
BSc (Hons 1st Class), Botany, University of Otago, NZ


Certified Environmental Practitioner (General Practitioner), Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand (EIANZ) 
Member, EIANZ
Member, New Zealand Plant Conservation Network
Member, Canterbury Botanical Society
Member, Ornithological Society of New Zealand