Boffa Miskell was commissioned to undertake a Landscape and Coastal Natural Character Study of New Zealand’s third island - Rakiura Stewart Island.

This required working within one of the most remote parts of the country to assess the landscape and coastal natural character values, utilising Boffa Miskell methodology under the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement 2010.

Holding a land area of approximately 1,680km², the island and its many smaller islands are renowned for their wild and remote setting, high levels of naturalness and high heritage values.


South Island

Worked with

Department of Conservation
Environment Southland

Project date

2016 - 2017

With approximately 85% of the island contained in National Park status, much of the original vegetation has remained intact. Human modification is limited to discrete parts of the island, such as Halfmoon Bay where the principal small settlement of Oban is located. Throughout the remainder of the island, modification is limited.

The result of our Study concluded the majority of the island, along with its seascape, met the threshold of being an 'Outstanding Natural Landscape' (apart from the more modified parts of Paterson Inlet, Halfmoon Bay and Big Glory Bay). It also concluded that much of the Island also met the threshold of holding very high and outstanding levels of natural character. This Study will be used along with other work for the Regional Council’s review of their coastal plan.