A unique, bold and exciting future vision for Invercargill’s largest domain.
Sandy Point Domain is a short distance from central Invercargill; and at over 2000 hectares in area, the domain is a key part of the city's network of parks and reserves. Highly valued by the local community and visitors, the domain provides a wide range of formal and informal recreation, sport and adventure activities. It is home to many sports clubs, including Teretonga Park Raceway; and several of these have lease agreements with the Invercargill City Council for land at Sandy Point Domain.
Along with significant cultural, biodiversity, historic and amenity values, the Domain has areas of indigenous and exotic forestry, which are a source of income for the Invercargill City Council.
The purpose of the Masterplan project was to develop a long-term vision for future use, asset renewal and development of Sandy Point Domain. Boffa Miskell worked collaboratively with Invercargill City Council’s Parks and Recreation Department, through a deliberate staged process, building to an overarching strategy, key moves and 10-, 25- and 50-year visions for the Domain.