A new bridge maintains vital water infrastructure in the Wellington region, with the added benefit of a cycling and walking connection across the Hutt River trail.
Whakawhirinaki (the Silverstream Water Bridge and shared path) provides a seismically resilient bridge crossing for the replacement of the Te Mārua to Karori Pipeline, and walking and cycling connections to the popular Hutt River trail, increasing recreational connections across the river.
The Te Mārua to Karori pipeline runs from the Stuart McCaskill Lakes to Karori, supplying around 40% of the bulk water to Wellington and all of Porirua’s water. The current alignment runs parallel to State Highway 2, crosses the Hutt River at Silverstream Road Bridge and then runs north along Fergusson Drive. The existing pipeline is deteriorating, and Silverstream Road Bridge is predicted to experience significant damage in a major earthquake event, making the pipeline also vulnerable.