Cara-Lisa Schloots


Kaimātai Hauropi | Ecologist
Kaiarataki | Professional

I have a varied background, including botanical fieldwork and research, predator control, and education. This means I have been able to establish an excellent understanding of ecology from a broad range of perspectives and for a variety of purposes.

While undertaking my master’s degree in Botany, I have been employed as a subcontractor for both government and private organisations, and involved in teaching both secondary and undergraduate students. My areas of expertise are plant identification, vegetation survey, restoration ecology, and data management.

At Boffa Miskell, I have been involved in various freshwater and terrestrial ecology projects. I have further developed my vegetation survey and mapping skills, particularly in the context of assessing the ecological impacts of proposed developments and have built on broader ecological skills such as bird surveys.


Master of Science (Distinction), Botany, University of Otago, New Zealand
Bachelor of Science, Botany & Ecology, University of Otago, New Zealand


Member, New Zealand Plant Conservation Network
Member, Canterbury Botanical Society
