Victoria Smith

Kaimātai Hauropi | Ecologist
Kaiarataki | Professional

I am passionate about the flora and fauna of Aotearoa. My special interest in seabirds has led me to look for opportunities to work in coastal and island environments.

Before joining Boffa Miskell I completed my Master's degree researching the eco-physiology of seabirds and looking for correlations with changes in ocean conditions.

Although I've only been at Boffa Miskell for a short period of time, my skillset and knowledge of the environment and ecological assessments have increased rapidly. I look forward to expanding on this knowledge and experience and becoming an established member of the team.


Master of Science, Conservation and Biosecurity, University of Auckland
Post Graduate Diploma of Science, Conservation and Biosecurity, University of Auckland
Bachelor of Science, majoring in Ecology and Environmental Science, University of Auckland
Diploma of Veterinary Nursing, Unitec