Izack Franklin


Kaihoahoa Whenua | Landscape Architect
Kaiarataki Matua | Senior Professional

I have a strong interest in taking ideas from a concept level of design through to implementation and take great pride in seeing people and communities enjoy the spaces and ideas I helped bring to life. I know that I'm working on projects that have a positive influence on communities and the generations to come.

I’m proud to have been involved in a range of projects from urban infrastructure and high-rise podium design to heritage and small-scale public space projects. I've taken the lead on opportunities to utilise my skills in adapting Building Information Modelling (BIM) for landscape architecture to produce early concept 3D models to really engage with the design, generating greater design discussions and coordination.

I earned a Masters degree in Landscape Architecture from Victoria University before joining Boffa Miskell. I have since gained experience in landscape design from concept design to detailed design packages, construction, contract documentation and administration, liaising with clients and contractors, variations, landscape assessment and inspections.


Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, Victoria University


Registered Member, New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects (NZILA)