Incorporating cultural heritage with urban streetscapes.
At the outset of Auckland Transport's proposed $40 million Dominion Road upgrade, a collaborative design process evolved that saw the area’s rich cultural heritage woven into the project design.
Five iwi – Te Akitai, Ngati Tamaoho, Ngai Tai ki Tamaki, Ngati Maru and Nga-ti Whatua – came together and agreed an approach to inform the project design. The iwi, together with a group of Maori specialists, worked with the Boffa Miskell urban design and landscape architecture project team.
Through walking the site together and a series of design workshops, a shared understanding and set of ideas was developed that could give form, convey meaning and show respect to the values of the site and surrounding landscape.
Boffa Miskell developed site-wide design strategies under the three themes iwi had identified at their hui: maunga and the surrounding landscape, vegetation, and water.